Dotz Framework uses Doctrine Migrations. It’s fully integrated with the configurations you add in configs/db.txt and configs/migrations.txt.
## Generate a new migration:
./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations generate
The above command will generate a PHP class and print the file location in the command line terminal.
## Writing the migrations
In the migration class, you will have two methods setup:
- public function up() - public function down()
In the up and down methods you can use the following functions to write your migrations:
$this->warnIf(true, 'Something might be going wrong');
- If the condition is met, throw a warning message.
$this->abortIf(true, 'Something went wrong. Aborting.');
- If the condition is met, abort migration and throw a message.
$this->skipIf(true, 'Skipping this migration.');
- If the condition is met, skip this specific migration and output a notification.
$this->write('Doing some cool migration!');
- Print some message onto the console.
With addSql() you can add a SQL query to run in the migration. You can pass arguments separately:
$users = [
['name' => 'mike', 'id' => 1],
UPDATE user SET happy = true
WHERE name = :name AND id = :id', $user
Or use raw values inside the query strings like the following:
$this->addSql("INSERT INTO test_table (title)
VALUES ('If you are seeing this sentence in the browser; your database and doctrine are setup correctly!')"
## Run the migrations in the command line
./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate
- migrates all un-run migrations
./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:execute --up 20180601193057
- run a single migration up
./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:execute --down 20180601193057
- run a single migration down
./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate first
- revert migrations down to the first migration.
These commands and functions should suffice most projects needs. If you are comfortable with doctrine and Dotz Framework; you can delve deeper into Doctrine’s Migration options for your project needs.
Please also refer to Doctrine’s own Migration documentation: