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Introducing a new PHP Framework: Dotz Framework

Light. Fast. Secure.

Do we need another?

You may ask since PHP has dozen(s) of good frameworks already thriving.

Dotz Framework is meant to fill a void. Most PHP frameworks tend to offer a suitcase full of features. They also tend to be over whelming and require a considerable amount of time to learn and master.

Dotz Framework on the other hand is aimed at being intuitive and simple to use. The entire framework only consists of forty files (aside from the vendor files). We have made security very easy. And we try to offer the bare essentials that most developers do not want to recreate on their own:

  • Routing: you simply use one JSON config file to add all your routes in one place. In addition, all controllerClass/method combinations automatically work.
  • Containerization: We use Pimple. You can easily define your own modules in a central modules.php).
  • Security: The framework is configured with security right out of the box. You can retrieve GET and POST requests securely with:
  • Migrations: why re-invent the wheel. We have integrated Doctrine Migrations into Dotz. No need to understand complicated swaths of code, you can simply follow our documentation on this subject, here.

    …And we left out Doctrine-everything-else. So our Data layer is actually really light!
  • User Authentication: we offer login, logout, registration and authorization capabilities for both Token and Session based authentication.
  • Form Generation: intuitive, secure and fun to use forms in PHP.

Why did we create Dotz Framework?

Dotz Framework was made for our clients. It is meant to deliver the very best in software design to those who work with us. However, PHP is a language of much sharing, so we thought it be best to open it to the community as well.

Dotz also fulfills our goals of making performance a priority for web development. It offers intuitive and efficient design we hope will help other firms make better software.

Feel free to read more in our documentation section.