WP AutoLoader Documentation

Uninstall AutoLoader

To disable WP AutoLoader:

  1. Install WPAutoLoader on the server your WordPress app resides (if it has been removed since last use).
  2. Change directory (cd command) into the WPAutoLoader app directory.
  3. Run the following command in the server’s command line:
    > php autoloader disable
  4. The script will ask some questions, and remove AutoLoader from your WordPress install.


Dealing with WP version changes:

If your WordPress application’s version was upgraded or changed, while WP AutoLoader was enabled, you will see a message stating ‘wp-includes/‘ could not be reverted to backup version:

WPAutoLoader will instead restore the old wp-includes backup to an alternate location ‘autoloader-wp-includes-backup/‘ before removing the rest of AutoLoader files from your WordPress app.

This will make your WordPress application non-functional. To fix the WP version descrepency, follow these steps:

  1. In your command line cd into WPAutoLoader directory, and run:
    > php autoloader disable

    (if you have not already disabled it).
  2. Go to WordPress Downloads, and retrieve a fresh copy of the version you have running currently.
  3. Extract, and copy over the wp-includes/ directory to your WordPress install (removing the version that currently exists).

    This ensures all correct wp-includes/ files are accounted for.
  4. Do a quick test to ensure WordPress still functions correctly, while AutoLoader is still disabled.
  5. Now re-run the setup command in your server’s terminal:
    > php autoloader enable

    After having changed directory in your server’s command-line to the appropriate WPAotoLoader software directory.
    > cd /path/to/WPAutoLoader/
    1. The WPAutoLoader app will once again walk you through some simple questions, and re-install AutoLoader on your WordPress app.
  6. Test thoroughly and deploy once satisfied.